Friday, October 19, 2012

Random Thoughts by Tracie….

Here’s my synopsis of my blog posts thus far…a collection of potentially useless information that I’m fairly certain most people don’t care about at all. However, I write them anyway, hoping that its not all in vain and that someone, somewhere, gets something useful out of my completely random thoughts.  So here’s some thoughts for this week.

I refuse to read one more heated facebook post on the debates, election, current president, Joe Biden, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and fill in the blank with any other person/topic related to the upcoming election.  Please don’t mis-understand my intent here either – I’m not saying that to represent  a lack of interest on my part, nor am I saying its not healthy and American to have discussions about differing points of view. I’m simply stating that I’ve had my fill of reading ridiculously slanted commentaries on the upcoming election that are not meant to foster joint conversations, but rather spew one sided points of view AT you, not WITH you.  Its annoying, and just bugs me all around.  That’s about the most political statement you’ll get out of me …. ever.   So instead of posting such thought provoking blogs about who’s winning the foreign policy debate, I’ll talk about something that’s far less thought provoking, political, and well, less useful… although far more fun...cake! 

This past week, one of our customers asked us to do a trio of smaller cakes for her daughter’s 1st birthday.  Each cake within the trio was to be a different shade of pink, with differing overall designs. I love when we get requests for unique groupings of cake and/or styles of cakes.  In particular, I liked the  “ribbon” style of the cakes that were requested.  I chose this combination of cakes to blog about this week simply because they were pretty, classic cakes.  The cake design didn’t include Elmo standing on his head, or have a 3D horse sugar sculpture on it, or anything else crazy elaborate.  It was just simply fluffy ribbons of pink buttercream, piped on round cakes, accented by 1 simply adorable baby elephant cake – and I loved them all. As most of my cake designs show, I’m also a huge fan of mixing various shades of the same color within 1 cake design.  And this cake trio did exactly that…. perfectly. So Stella, happy first birthday from all your friends at the cake bar! I hope you enjoyed all your birthday cakes, and we hope to be able to share in your 2nd bday celebration as well!  Tracie

Photos of Stella Taglienti courtesy of her mom, Grisha:)

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