Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cakes for our Families!

Creating cakes for cake bar employees and their families is always fun.  This cake for Joey's daughter was one of our first Dr. Who cakes.  His idea was to create the illusion of the TARDIS flying through space.  I think Aubrey really pulled it off!

When Marissa's sister Bethy turned 16, we created a cake to be served at her party at Toby Keith's restaurant where the highlight of the evening (after the presentation of the cake of course!) was the mechanical bull riding!

Abby turned 18 last year and she is a huge fan of everything Great Gatsby!  She asked that I mention Leonardo DiCaprio in this post on the off chance that that might get his attention and lead to him visiting the cake bar!!! LOL 
My son, Connor, turned 13 this year and I really felt pressure to deliver a great cake!  Another Dr. Who fan, I included the TARDIS and many of his other favorite things.  I had to steal them from his room and bring them to the bakery where Lexi helped me replicate them in modeling chocolate, fondant, cake, and rice krispy treats.  He was really surprised! 

Aubrey made this cake for her Uncle. He is an avid off-road enthusiast!  Coming up with unique designs for men can be challenging, so this cake is often requested now that we have it posted on our website.


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