Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Costumes, and cupcakes, & shots, oh my!

I’m not usually a huge Halloween lover, I must admit. While I love seeing the kids all dressed up, the whole notion of  dressing crazy and then knocking on stranger’s doors and begging for food is lost on me. However, I have to say, our Halloween event last weekend was a lot of fun. Yes, I realize I'm a week behind in my blog -I'm a slacker!  I fully admit that  I thoroughly enjoyed wearing my long, red wig...  I think I see hair extensions and red hair dye in my future. Who knew?  

We planned many Halloween inspired games and treats for the party.  Fun stuff like a chocolate "blood" dipping station where kids could dip their favorite treat, a make your own goulish cupcake bar, and a decorate your own spooky Halloween frosting shot area.  In addition, we had goodie bags, a Halloween costume contest, and multiple other Halloween inspired contests.  I took a few funny pics of both the kids at the event, as well as the goofy cake bar staff.

Marissa Palladini helped decorate for our big night below. She had her costume picked out weeks for in anticipation of our big night, then ditched us at the last minute for Disney....  How exciting is Disney anyway?  Isn't it overdone at this point?  Just joshin Disney workers:)

Santa came early too! Or at least Arianne dressed as Santa came early.  And Jack and Evan fought about who was going to be ketchup and who was going to be mustard... for weeks... the entire time they were at work.  Kyle dressed as a bruins player.... minus a hockey helmut, stick, safety guards, or any other hockey paraphernalia. In other words, he had a Bruins shirt on.:) And Angie was dressed perfectly as a gypsy. Very cute! PS, I cut myself out of this picture cause I hated how I looked, and it was the only pic we had of many on the team.  That's what happens when your the blogger of the bakery. You get to only post flattering pictures of yourself. Oh, the power of photoshop is a wonderful thing....

A few trick-or-treaters making their own cupcakes at the cupcake station. I think we have some future cake bar artists in the mix!

 Kid's got to go behind the counters to our prep areas for the frosting shot and chocolate dipping station.

My business partner Angie, and Josie (Aubrey the cake designer's daughter). I told Aubrey that Josie looked sooo cute, and disturbing, all at the same time. This adorable little girl with pig tails, dressed in zombie make up and blood stained clothes. Creepy... but she's ohhh so cute!

Here's the treats each child  made.  The bloody eyeball is my favorite:) 

Lots of great costumes, and LOTS of black frosting smeared all over the cake bar floor, bathroom, counters, etc..  All in the name of fun.  Look for a similar holiday party in early December - complete with Santa!

I'm Writing this at 3 AM, as I'm having trouble sleeping. I think I'm just excited that tomorrow marks the beginning of our days without political pre-recorded calls, commercials, etc.  I always wonder, if nobody likes the calls, why waste the money??  I'm plagued with the same question about telemarketers. WHO DOES IT WORK ON???? All questions for another time I suppose.  Have a great day everyone! Tracie

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