Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Its fall at the cake bar!!!!

Fall is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year. The chill in the air, the smell of fireplaces, the fall decorations - love all of it! I ESPECIALLY love the fall inspired flavors that start popping up all over the place. I literally wait all year to have a pumpkin spice latte.  This year, I'm lucky enough to be able to partake in the spicy deliciousness in our very own bakery!

For those of you that come to the bakery in the morning regularly, you know we have our very own coffee mix master, Joey. The big, tall, lovable guy that everyone seems to know by name - he's hard to miss:) He's been practicing recipe
s for the fall pumpkin spice latte for weeks, and has finally concocted the PERFECT recipe. I must say, its freaking delicious. And i'm not just talking about squirting pumpkin syrup into a cup either like other coffee houses. I'm talking about the creamiest pumpkin beverage I've ever had, made with similar ingredients to pumpkin pie, minus bad things like egg:). Insanely good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it were possible, and socially acceptable, to be in love with a hot beverage, this would be the one for me:)  Its that good!

We're also getting ready to roll out our "Cupcake of the Month" flavor for October - Pumpkin Cheesecake!!!  Equally as delicious as its latte counterpart! We've taken our moist vanilla cake, stuffed it with our homemade pumpkin cheesecake filling, smothered it in cream cheese icing, and sprinkled with a touch of pumpkin pie spice.  Decadent! And guess what's coming up in November.... caramel apple cupcake! More to come about that later in October.  

This week we're busy preparing like 8 million cupcakes for Sunday's harvest festival. If your around Franklin, you should come downtown and see us. There's a ton of street vendors, and kids activities - fun for the whole family!!!!! I hope to see you there - and if you try our new latte or cupcake, let me know what you think. Have a great night - Tracie