Monday, September 5, 2011

Thanks to everyone for supporting me last night on the show!

It was such a great experience, and a great day as far as accomplishments go.  Please remember, its a TV show, and is edited as such.  I've had a ton of questions about my back and forth comments with Tida.  Tida was awesome, and her cake was fantastic. Editing and directing can do wonders to effect TV appearances! I hope I compete and see Tida again in the future. She's an awesome artist!

I can't wait to go back again. The rush you get throughout the day is totally addicting.  You get there at approx 5 in the morning and leave probably at 11 at night, and the whole time your running solely on adrenaline! Then afterwards, your body needs about a week to recoup from the tension and lack of sleep!  But, as I've said before, totally worth it.  Can't wait until next season!!!!  I hope you all enjoyed it, and keep checking back to see info about future shows!  Tracie